Final Survey

  • Dear PARENT project participant,

    We are very happy that you have participated in our project and hope that you found the project experience worthwhile and interesting.

    To finalise the pilot and to provide us with means to analyse our outcomes, we ask you to complete this survey on your experience with the project. It is vital to our research purposes that you complete this survey and it is the last thing we ask from you, so please take the time to fill this out.

    We will use the results to analyse and assess our project and formulate policy recommendations, as well as recommendations on how to design pilots better, in order to have higher impact when engaging people to act and reduce energy consumption (and enable sustainable lifestyles).

    The questionnaire will be used for the PARENT project research and policy advice purposes only. The data will be kept secure and confidential and will not be used by third parties or for any sort of commercial activity.

    The questionnaire consists of 4 sections and should take around 20-35 minutes to complete. We advise you to complete the survey on a computer or a tablet for maximum screen size. If necessary, you can save and return to the survey at a later instance. In this case, please scroll the bottom of the page and press 'save and continue later'.

    Thank you very much!

  • Identification

    Please enter your PARENT identification code. This is the code that we gave your SMAPPEE (big white sticker on the box) consisting of four digits and one letter (e.g. 1234A). It is also the name of your 'location' in the Smappee interface. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you no longer know your code (;;
  • 1. General impressions of the PARENT project overall

  • How important/useful did you find each of these actions in encouraging you to reduce your electricity use or to make more sustainable choices in general?

    5= high positive impact, 4= some positive impact, 3= neutral impact, 2= negative impact, 1= I don’t know or I did not use (not applicable)

    5 High positive impact4 Some positive impact3 Neutral impact2 Negative impact1 Not applicable
    Information session (first meeting)
    Workshop 1 Available measures for sustainable lifestyle + role of technology
    Workshop 2 Homegrade small interventions for improving household energy efficiency
    Involvement of the municipality in the project
    Smappee monitor and application
    PARENT online platform 1: comparison graphs and smileys by clusters
    PARENT online platform 2: challenges for sustainability
    The Di.o smart plug that came with the monitor
    Direct communication in person/via email or phone with project team
    Prizes/rewards as incentives to act
  • We value frank responses!
  • Please rate your satisfaction with the project communication.

    5= very satisfied, 4= somewhat satisfied, 3= neutral, 2= somewhat dissatisfied, 1= very dissatisfied

    5 Very satisfied4 Somewhat satisfied3 Neutral2 Somewhat dissatisfied1 Very dissatisfied
    Overall communication by project organisers
    Information provided at the start of the project on what the project offered and was expected from you as a participant
    Information provided on data protection and privacy
    Technical support by the project team (excluding Smappee helpdesk)
    Responsiveness of the project team to your questions/feedback/concerns (personal correspondence)
  • 2. Smappee monitor and application - use and satisfaction

  • Please rate your satisfaction with the Smappee energy monitor and application.

    5= very satisfied, 4= somewhat satisfied, 3= neutral, 2= dissatisfied, 1= I did not install and/or use the Smappee (not applicable)

    5 Very satisfied4 Somewhat satisfied3 Neutral2 Dissatisfied1 Not applicable
    General satisfaction of Smappee
    Installation process and support
    Graphs on overall energy consumption
    Consumption information on household appliances
    The DiO smart plug that came with the monitor
  • 3. PARENT platform - use and satisfaction

  • Please rate your satisfaction with the PARENT online platform (

    5= very satisfied, 4= somewhat satisfied, 3= neutral, 2= somewhat dissatisfied, 1= very dissatisfied 0= I did not install and/or use the online platform (not applicable)

    5 Very satisfied4 Somewhat satisfied3 Neutral2 Dissatisfied1 Not applicable
    General satisfaction of online platform
    Ease of use and clarity of information displayed
    Comparison graphs with other participants
    Challenges and leader board
  • 4. Your changes made during the project

  • Energy actions

    During the project, did you implement any changes in your household and in your behaviour to reduce your energy consumption?
  • Yes, I made a changeNo, I did not make a changeNo, I had already optimised prior to the project
    Energy efficient electronic appliances
    Energy efficient bulbs
    Solar panels
    Switch to greener energy provider
    Other (please specify below)
  • Yes, I made a changeNo, I did not make a changeNo, I had already optimised prior to the project
    Turning off lights
    Turning off standby electronics and other devices
    Energy efficient cooking
    Energy efficient heating/cooling
    Less use of hot water
    Eco programmes on my dishwasher/washing machine/clothes dryer
    Other (please specify below)
  • Note: if you installed the energy monitor, you can check whether your energy consumption reduced by comparing graphs of two similar months at the beginning and the end of the project in the Smappee app or on the online platform.
  • If you have solar panels

    Please only complete 4d and 4e if you have solar panels.

    Note for solar users: an increase in self-sufficiency means you used less power from the electrical grid; a decrease in self-sufficiency means you used more power from the electrical grid; an increase in self-consumption means you used more power from your solar panels; a decrease in self-consumption means you used less power from your solar panels (you can see your figures on the PARENT online platform).

  • Other sustainable changes

  • Yes, I made a changeNo, I did not make a changeNo, I had already optimised prior to the project
    Eating more local/organic/vegetarian/non-processed food
    Growing my own food
    Travelling more by foot/bike/public transport
    Using less packaging
    Making purchases more consciously (buying less, more sustainable, second hand)
    Repairing broken things, upcycling items, donating items to others
    Using less water
    Sorting and recycling more
    Wasting less
    Using fewer toxic products
    Other (please specify below)
  • Participation in other activities

  • (such as meetings, workshops, signing petitions for improvement locally, political activities, neighbourhood events, shared gardens, etc.)
  • Hurray! You reached the end of the survey. Please be sure to press 'submit'. Thank you very much.