The mission of the Plate-Forme Maison Passive, or PMP, is to collaborate with key players in the field of construction in order to develop expertise regarding the development of passive homes (which consume 4 times less energy than ordinary homes). As a non-profit organization, the PMP provides trainings to people interested in creating a passive home. Also, it has collaborated on various projects in Belgium such as renovating sports facilities, offices, and more.
Key initiatives
Training à la carte is a series of educational courses from which professionals in the field of construction can learn about energy saving, sustainable technologies. PMP provides trainings that cover topics related to hygrothermic expertise and thermal bridges. See more.
Members of PMP collaborate on projects that renovate various types of buildings to reduce energy use, and become passive certified. People who collaborate on such projects range from architects to members of engineering offices and people of general enterprise. See more.
Address: Créalys Science Park, Rue Saucin 70, 5032 Gembloux