RenovaS acts as an intermediate actor between regional and municipal initiatives that seek to revitalize urban neighborhoods in Schaerbeek. RenovaS informs inhabitants about “renovation bonuses, energy bonuses, and tax reductions for energy-saving investments.” A member of Reseau Habitat, RenovaS supports two programs: the contrats de quartiers durables (CQD), or sustainable neighborhood contracts, and the contrats de renovation urbaine (CRU), or urban renewal contracts. RenovaS also provides energy consulting services to local homeowners and tenants, facilitates green loans, and financial aid to owners. RenovaS is a member organization of Réseau Habitat. 

Key initiatives

The Renovation and Energy Consulting services provided by RenovaS consist of a team of four architectural cosultants who offer their knowledge to Schaerbeek tenants and homeowners for “renovation, maintenance, and energy performance” needs. The consulting services provide premiums and assistance to homeowners, as well as support individuals in applying for a Brussels Green Loan to make energy improvements in the home. They also provide various energy worksheets that discuss the characteristics of an “ecological house” such as insulation, thermal control, and electrical appliances. See more. 


Address: Place Colignon 41 B, 1030 Schaerbeek (Renovation Consultancy) Rue d’Aerschot 208 B, 1030 Schaerbeek (Operational Offices)