is the “federation of groups and cooperatives of citizens for renewable energy in Belgium”. It aims to support the energy transition and protect citizen initiatives that seek to advance the use of renewable energy. REScoop PLUS is a project of Europe’s REScoop that aims to engage in energy saving rather than simply energy supplying and producing. REScoop Plus provides European REScoops with best practice findings and policy advice for energy saving. A key development of REScoop PLUS was the production of a toolkit which promotes energy efficiency.

Key initiatives

The REScoop PLUS toolbox is a collection of best practices for cooperatives interested in working on energy efficiency. The toolbox provides coaching tools for people who wish to save on personal consumption as well as district heating tools which are aimed more toward cooperatives wishing to improve efficiency. The toolbox has been implemented at established REScoop cooperatives, such as the Belgian company, Ecopower. See more. 


Address: Posthoflei 3/3, B-2600 Berchem   
Website: REScoopPLUS
Twitter: @REScoopPLUS