The Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB) is a non-profit organization with the goal of increasing access to affordable housing for all in the Brussels-Capital Region. The CLTB hopes to not only enable affordable housing but also create resilient housing that follows energy saving regulations. The organization currently has planned 120 dwellings to be built amongst 9 different projects.

Key initiatives

The CLTB has partnered with organizations such as Convivence and La Rue in its efforts to create affordable housing in the Brussels Region. CLTB project frameworks follow energy regulations and further, strive to build energy efficient homes that are “the most ecological possible”. If the work by the CLTB is of interest, you can apply to be a homeowner candidate on their website. See more.


Address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 72, 1060 Saint-Gilles
Facebook: @CLTB
Twitter: @CLTB