The goal of Une Maison en Plus is to encourage community projects that work “against social exclusion”. It aims to utilize the participation of inhabitants and organizational partners to develop “community action to promote health, urban social development, lifelong education and cultural expression”. Une Maison en Plus concentrates their efforts on three key areas: les p’ti plus (a center for the development for children), L’école créative (workshops for children and adults), and Habitons + (suports renovation projects to save energy). One Maison en Plus is a member organization of Réseau Habitat. 

Key initiatives

Habitons + is a key theme developed by Une Maison en Plus, which supports inhabitants in revitalization of the neighborhood. Habitons + works in collaboration with Réseau Habitat to provide renovation and energy consultancy as well as integrated local development. It also provides individuals with workshops on topics such as passive homes and tools to learn about energy consumption and energy efficiency. See more. 


Address: Boulevard de la deuxième armée britannique 27, 1190 Forest